Appointed Person Lifting

Appointed Person Lifting

Appointed Person (AP) Lifting Supervisor Training Course:

Course duration – 18 hours (3 Days, 5 hrs. per day & 3 hours of assessment).

Mode of Training: Classroom & Practical
Mode of assessment: Written Assessment & Practical Assessment

Course Medium: English

Executive Course Summary:

The term ‘appointed person’ is commonly used when referring to two specific roles; an appointed person in lifting Supervisor and a health and safety appointed person. He is the person responsible for the execution and safety of a lifting operation. To build the competency and capabilities of the lifting team personnel, OSHAWARDS has initiated the “3 Days Appointed Person (AP) Training Course”.

It is important to identify the “risks at source” right from the planning stage by selecting and appointing the competent AP to plan and co-ordinate overall cranes deployment and advise management to select the right cranes for intended lifting operations.

This 3 days course will equip candidates with an in-depth understanding of the roles and responsibility of the Appointed Person for the safe use of mobile cranes; SS 559:2022, Code of practice for safe use of tower cranes.

OSHAWARDS mapped out a recommended career path for someone interested in lifting operations. Continuing with that theme, looking specifically at appointed persons in lifting operations, their responsibilities and how you can become an appointed person.

The responsibilities of an appointed person mean that it is advantageous for anyone wanting to do this job has a background in lifting operations. An appointed person must be able to assess site conditions and equipment and make recommendations based on the type of task being carried out. This is all easier to do with a background in lifting.

Despite this, it isn’t necessary for an appointed person to have any formal qualification to carry out their job; legislation places emphasis on competency and it is the employer’s role to ensure that an appointed person is competent.

Competent is often judged by several factors, including experience but it is very likely that a relevant qualification will be asked for.


Course Aim and Objective:

The aim and objectives of the Appointed Person training is to provide the knowledge to enable trainees to undertake the duties of an appointed person for lifting supervisor. To provide personnel with sufficient knowledge to enable them to carry out appointed persons duties at their place of work in a safe and controlled manner. Identify the minimum legal requirements and legal responsibilities of persons working with cranes and lifting tackle. Identify the duties of the AP, Crane Supervisor, Crane Operator and Slinger/Signaler. Carry out Appointed Persons duties safely and confidently.



Learning Outcomes:

After training the trainee will be enable to:

×          Have a basic understanding of the industry, the dangers of working in the industry and their responsibilities as an Appointed Person.

×          Identify different types of Cranes, their capabilities and limitations for lifting.

×          Demonstrate and explain the selection of the correct cranes for specified lifts including all accessories, ensuring correct duties charts, range diagrams and specification sheets.

×          Identify and demonstrate how to and plan an area with exclusion zones for diverse lifting operations identifying any proximity/underground hazards from supplied plans and drawings.

×          Prepare and explain lift plan information to all personnel involved in lifting Supervisor.

×          Identify and explain how environmental factors outside the lift zone but within the surrounding area can affect planned lifting operations and the possible outcomes.

×          Explain and identify the requirements for safe site access and egress for different types of lifting equipment.

×          List and explain relevant information relating to different types of lifting accessories including markings, certificates and thorough examination reports.


×          AP for lifting should be fully trained lifting supervisor/operator.

×          Be able to listen and speak English at a proficiency level equivalent to the Employability Skills

×          Be able to read and write English at a proficiency

×          Be medically fit

×          Should have previous Basic Rigging and Slinging certification(s)

×          Should be able to do calculations required in lifting operations

×          Should be able to compile a lifting plan.

Material for Course Required:

×          Set square ,Compass

×          Scale ruler, A3 graft paper 6 sheets minimum

×          Pencil ,  Calculator    

×          Eraser, Scales


Assessment Methodology:

This course has two assessments:

×          written Assessment [20 Multiple Choice Questions].

×          A practical lift plan comprising of drawings with calculations.

×          Failure of either exam is deemed to be a failure of the course and no re-sit option can be offered for a minimum of 12 months to allow learner gain adequate site experience.

×          Theoretical Assessment Legislation in relevant countries Country specific regulations:

×          Exam On succeeded completion of both theoretical and practical assessments a certificate will be issued


Course Contents:

Candidates will participate in theory and practical sessions, all which are highlighted by the use of PowerPoint slides: -

×          Introduction and Aims of appointed person for lifting operations

×          Crane terminology – understanding the language used in the industry
 Understanding the Roles of an Appointed Person – ISO-23813 - Planning - Selection of Cranes, Lifting Tackle & Personnel

×          Instruction & Supervision of Lifting Operations

×          Method Statements & Risk Assessment

×          Roles and responsibilities of personnel involved with lifting operations – Appointed Person/Crane Coordinator, Crane/Lift Supervisor, Crane Operator, and Slinger Signaler.

×          Crane appreciation - crane types, capabilities and limitations – choosing the right crane for the job.

×           Duty charts – understanding and interpretation

×          Documentation and certification for lifting equipment and lifting accessories – 6 monthly, 12 monthly, lifting people.

×          Crane stability/ground conditions – Ground Pressure Calculations, Working near Excavations/Trenches.

×          Safe Load Indicators (SLI) and Safe Working Loads (SWL) – Understanding the crane SLI

×          Types of accessories and use - different types and capabilities

×          Slinging techniques – SWL of accessories, reductions in SWL

×          Down rating of accessories – Mode Factors – 2 leg and 4 leg

×          Sling angles – max angles of use – pressure in legs/slings

×          Communications – hand signals, two way radio, crash radios-crane co-ordination

×          Planning a lifting operation – completing a lift plan including a risk assessment, method statement, toolbox talk and relevant drawings.

AP for Lifting Career Path:

An experienced assessor and trainer in plant, lifting operations and site supervision recommends following a set career path for anyone interested in a career in lifting operations. Suitable for anyone wanting to work with cranes or other lifting equipment, Slinger Signaler progressing to a Crane or Plant Operator, then onto a Crane Supervisor and finally, becoming an Appointed Person.